To banish bloat
Reach for: Calcium-packed foodsHow much: 1000 milligrams calcium
Researchers aren't sure why, but consuming high-calcium foods before you bare (nearly) all may help deflate PMS puffiness as well as the bloat that results from eating salty foods, says Toby Smithson, R.D. a spokeswoman in Waukegan, Illinois, for the American Dietetic Association. PMS bloating may occur when levels of calcium and vitamin D (which can fluctuate during your cycle) are low. To hit the RDA (Daily Recommendation), try combos of 1 cup lowfat milk (290 mg calcium), 226 grams lowfat plain yogurt (415 mg calcium) and 2 x 14 gram lowfat cheddar slices (295 mg calcium).
To fight fat
Reach for: AlmondsHow much: 1/4 cup
A delicious way to whittle your middle? Nosh on nuts! Research shows that when almonds replace less healthier foods, dieters can lose more weight and trim more inches from their waistline—even though, gram for gram, almonds often have more calories and fat than other bites. The nuts' healthy fat keeps you satisfied, diminishing future snack attacks.
To feel full
Reach for: Water-rich fruit and veggiesHow much: 2 cups
Drink up, and grab foods such as melon and tomatoes, which are more than 90 percent water, so they count toward your total fluid intake, says Matthew Ganio, Ph.D. of the University of Connecticut . Juicy fruit and vegetables with high water content fill you up for very few calories, so dig in!