Monday, 5 September 2011

Soft chocolate brownies

(Also known as brown choc sheet cake)



275g (2 cups) cake flour
400g (2 cups) sugar
a pinch of salt
125g butter or margarine
250ml (1 cup) water
125ml (1/2 cup) sunflower oil
50g (1/2 cup) cocoa
125ml (1/2 cup) buttermilk
5ml (1 teaspoon) bicarbonate of soda
2 extra-large eggs


60g (5 tablespoons) butter or margarine
37,5ml (3 dessertspoons) buttermilk
30ml (2 tablespoons) cocoa
200g (1 1/2 cups) icing sugar
5ml (1 teaspoon) vanilla essence

Preheat the oven to 200 C.   Grease a 30 cm x 25 cm x 5 cm grilling pan/ pyrex dish or baking sheet.
Sift the cake flour, sugar and salt together.   Heat the butter or margarine, water, sunflower oil and cocoa in a saucepan until boiling briskly (can use microwave).   Cool slightly, then pour over the flour mixture and mix well.
Mix the buttermilk and bicarbonate of soda.   Beat the eggs lightly and mix with the buttermilk.   Add the buttermilk mixture to the flour mixture and mix well.
Pour the batter into the pan.   Bake for about 25 minutes until done.
Heat the butter or margarine, buttermilk and cocoa to boiling point.  Remove from the stove.   Sift and stir in the icing sugar and vanilla essence.   Pour the hot icing over the hot cake.  Allow the cake to cool, cut into squares and serve. 

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